This catalogue was published on the occation of the exhibition Process_Farben at Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, August 30 to Dezember 01, 2020
with Okka-Esther Hungerbühler // Sonya Yakovleva // Ada van Hoorebecke // Ulrika Segerberg
text by Prof. Dr. Ursula Panhans-Bühler
POND – works and texts by Ulrika Segerberg 2019
Samtalets syster, konsten
Camilla Larsson
Exhibition text, So real. Really so, Galleri Thomassen, Gothenburg (S) 2018
Jenny Källman, Pia Mauno & Ulrika Segerberg
Att ta på sig ett par fötter
Stina Östberg
Exhibition text, Monkey Wrench. Galleri 21, Malmö (S) 2016
På gränsen mellan skratt och avsky
review by Linda Fagerström
Monkey Wrench, Galleri 21, Malmö (S) 2016
The catalogue Words are not the Key to my Castle – Ulrika Segerberg was published on the occation of the exhibition Helium – Goldrausch 2014, Projektraum Flutgraben e.V. , Berlin (DE)
Catalogue text No Keys to no Doors by Katrin Plavčak (English)